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Working with gas and electricity involves certain risks, which Sibelga staff, like all its subcontractors, are continually trained in and made aware of.
In 2022, Safety Days were organised for all technical staff. These practical awareness days are an opportunity to focus on specific risks that technicians may face. “This year we decided to focus on the risks of burns and electrocution,” explains Dirk Vankerckhoven, Health, Safety & Environment Manager at Sibelga.
The activities included a simulation of an explosion following a short circuit in an electrical booth. “The technicians had to perform resuscitation with a defibrillator,” says Dirk Vankerckhoven. “We also carried out a demonstration on dummies in which we compared the effects of fire on our technicians’ flame-retardant fabric garments and synthetic garments. Finally, in collaboration with Neder-Over-Hembeek hospital, we heard the testimony of a victim of severe burns. “
While the so-called fluid accidents (linked to gas or electricity) are the most drastic and dangerous, Sibelga does not overlook other accident risks. “Slips, falls and injuries during manual handling of loads are the most frequent causes of accidents at Sibelga,” says Dirk Vankerckhoven. To raise staff awareness of these risks, a striking poster campaign was devised. “Posters show staff members wearing make-up as if they had been victims of an accident. Recognising colleagues has a strong impact,” he says. The campaign also highlights the crucial role of good communication and the importance of scanning the environment before undertaking a task.
Prevention is better than cure, as the saying goes. To achieve the goal of zero accidents, it is essential that every member of staff learns to identify and report any dangerous situation. So it is possible to intervene proactively, before an accident occurs.
To this end, a mobile app was tested with around thirty Sibelga employees, representative of the entire Sibelga population. “Users can report a dangerous situation by taking a photo and assess the severity of the situation using a gauge. They are also asked to identify the type of hazard and indicate the preventive measures to be applied,” explains Dirk Vanckerkhoven, Safety and Environment Manager.
Sibelga not only looks after the physical safety of its teams, but also their well-being. “We want to create a healthy environment where everyone has a good work-life balance and where every member of staff is involved and confident of his or her role in the company and the meaning of his or her work,” says Dirk Vankerckhoven, Health, Safety & Environment Manager.
To monitor the well-being of its employees, Sibelga has increased the frequency of its well-being surveys. “In the past, we used to organise this survey every four to five years. Today, we opt for more targeted and frequent surveys. “In May 2022, a first survey was carried out to establish the initial situation. This was followed by a second survey, with more specific questions, in October. “All staff members had access to their team’s results. The responses were reviewed at a meeting and, where appropriate, led to action points. “
At the same time, preventive actions are being implemented, such as targeted activities on nutrition, physical exercise and mental health for all, and workshops for managers on how to detect signs of stress within their team.
In addition, Sibelga has introduced a practical guide to managing absenteeism and supporting the reintegration of people after a long-term absence. “Returning to work after a long period of incapacity can be stressful, as you come back to a changed environment that has also changed in your absence: we want to make it easier to get back to work by offering solutions that are tailored to the needs of each individual,” says Dirk Vankerckhoven.
In 2021, Sibelga introduced its ethical charter. This document sets out an explicit frame of reference that all Sibelga staff members undertake to comply with. In particular, it recaps the main principles to be followed in order to maintain a welcoming working environment for all: non-discrimination, respect, integrity, etc. This charter is accompanied by a clear procedure for reporting any “unethical” behaviour.
In 2022, several actions were carried out to raise awareness of the principles of the ethics charter among staff. “We have included a presentation of the charter in the induction days for new employees. In addition, an e-learning module is offered to all employees. It shows behaviours that are sometimes not immediately perceived as problematic in order to encourage reflection,” explains Pascal Mukile, Head of Audit, Risk and Quality. These same situations were dramatized through humorous sketches performed by professional actors during a session dedicated to Line Managers. “It was very memorable and was then debriefed and discussed.
Sibelga’s commitment to ethics is bearing fruit, as an audit carried out in November 2022 by an external auditor revealed a very good level of maturity in terms of ethics. In addition, Sibelga obtained the maximum score in terms of ethics in the “Top Employer” assessment, which it obtained again in 2022, for the twelfth consecutive year.